7 minute read

This post talks about software engineering philosophy; the list and priorities of the fundamental values we, software engineers, use to decide how to approach tradeoffs in software engineering problems.


The nature of software engineering involves a continuous need for decision-making. Decision-making is needed for the design, development, and delivery of software. And can be even expanded to processes, workflows, and even organization-related challenges.

Generally, there is agreement on many best practices within the software engineering community. However, some topics are open to arguments and preferences.

Disagreement is natural and expected. It’s a matter of perspective and experience. Through our experience, we reflect on approaches that produce good and bad results. Through time we form opinions and define principles that shape our work.

We can think of these principles as the values that compose an individual’s “software engineering philosophy”.

In this article, I will be sharing my view on the importance of having a software philosophy. I will also share my list of values that I have formed to help me decide between quality tradeoffs.

This article is the first of a series I plan to write on this topic since software engineering philosophy covers many broad topics.

The philosophy analogy

I am an admirer of philosophy with a strong interest in ethics.

What I admire most about the philosophy of ethics is that by studying different concepts on how one should live an ethical life as per their own terms, we can form fundamental values that we can use as a guide in our decision-making.

These fundamental values can significantly increase the quality of life. When these values are engraved through one’s character and become their identity, decision-making becomes much more straightforward. This is particularly useful in complicated situations we might be exposed to. Complex conditions can be broken down into simpler, smaller ones requiring decisions that can be taken based on our values.

Without the guidance of fundamental values that are previously well-established, it can become challenging to make “correct”, as per our terms, decisions.

This is why self-reflection and the study of essential philosophy concepts are such valuable tools for an in-control and happy life.

The importance of software engineering philosophy

The concept of philosophy and fundamental values can also be applied in software engineering.

The nature of software engineering involves a continuous need for decision-making around the design, development, and delivery of software. Therefore, having a set of fundamental principles/guidelines/values on approaching problems can significantly simplify decision-making and prioritization in the software engineering world.

As per their universal nature, these values are programming language-independent and tool-agnostic.

Like moral values in philosophy, in software engineering, these values are slowly engraved in our professional identity through our study and experience in applying different work methods.

Analogously to philosophy, defining, tracking, and consciously and deliberately evaluating these personal-formed values over time is a significant step to personal growth.

From an individual’s perspective, it is also fascinating to see how our views change through time by our experiences and advances within the industry.

My software engineering philosophy

I have had the opportunity to work on various projects since I started working as a software engineer, and through this time, I have had my share of good decisions and mistakes. In retrospect, I sometimes focused on the wrong things and sometimes took decisions that proved to be the correct ones in the long run.

At the same time, I have read, discussed, and studied multiple ways of approaching software engineering projects and experimented with different techniques and suggestions.

Through this time and experience, I have formed my own values, which I continuously revisit and evaluate as I learn new things and gain experience in new situations. While the term “values” in philosophy is rigid and treated like a rule, I see values more like general guidelines in software engineering.

This list of values can expand to multiple items from development to application and architecture design, processes, and workflows.

In this article, I focused on the core decision-making factors that touch on the software quality tradeoffs we get to balance during code development and application design.

On tradeoffs in Software development

In software engineering, in the decision-making process, everything is a tradeoff.

Many properties can characterize software quality; Some of the core properties that we always look into are:

  1. Correctness
  2. Maintainability
    • Readability
    • Simplicity
    • Extensibility
  3. Performance

My view on the prioritization of the above when I work on a new project is generally the following:

Correctness > Readability > Simplicity > Extensibility > Performance

The following simplistic rules represent my values around tradeoffs:

  1. Always strive for correctness at all costs. Meet the software requirements.
  2. Make your code readable. For others, but also your future self.
  3. Strive for simplicity. Simplicity promotes clarity, minimizes errors, and reduces the effort to maintain code.
  4. Write extensible code only if it is guaranteed to be needed.
  5. Don’t sacrifice any of the above for performance optimizations if not absolutely required.
  6. Never apply premature optimizations. Profile, measure and analyze.

On Correctness

Software applications have a well-defined purpose that is described by their requirements.

Correctness is the only mandatory property of any software. As long as the application’s behavior does what it needs to do without any errors, the software is valuable, and it’s also deliverable. Correctness can be the only requirement for PoC and early experimental MVP stage products.

For large projects, ensuring correctness can be challenging. We can increase the correctness confidence of software by introducing processes that:

  1. Prevent errors
  2. Validate Expected Behavior

Preventing errors via Code Reviews and Pair Programming

Error Prevention can be partly achieved by practices such as pair programming and code reviews. These practices ensure that many developers validate the code before it is submitted. Having more eyes can help catch potential issues at the development stage.

These two practices offer extensive benefits, expanding well beyond software correctness. However, they are not 100% effective and adequate for correctness; human checks are always error-prone.

We tackle this problem by following a more effective and robust way to ensure correctness; testing.


The most valuable tool for ensuring correctness is testing. Testing has a multitude of benefits and is critical to achieving correctness. Unit, BDD, Integration, Component, and e2e tests for more complicated flows are essential for validating software behavior.

My list of most essential principles around testing are:

  1. Always test your software. Any(meaningful) test is better than no test.
  2. Small scope testing is simpler, faster, and easier to maintain. Use this to your advantage where applicable.
  3. Choose the test types in a case-by-case scenario. Absolute, strict rules/opinions such as “unit tests are better”, “use only black-box testing” might be right for one scenario but not optimal for another.
  4. Testing is much easier if you write testable code. Invest in a design that allows easy testing of both specific and very generic modules
    • Overall, while testing’s primary purpose is correctness, it significantly contributes to maintainability. A testable code is also more maintainable.

On top of the above, I have formed some guidelines around when I tend to choose between specific types of testing. This is very closely related to my preference on architecture design philosophy, such as the Clean Architecture:

  1. Write unit tests for business and domain logic. Mock non-business-logic components
  2. Write BDD tests in a unit-style fashion (cucumber-like) for flows that expand in multiple business logic components to test the impact of an action on different components. These should align with business use-cases
  3. Write primarily isolated integration tests for external service integrations. Use unit tests for particular edge case scenarios
  4. Write end-to-end tests only for critical flows. Use them as sanity tests

Testing is, of course, a vast topic with multiple dimensions that span from choosing the types of test to testing strategies and how to approach testing from a repo, all the way to an organization level. The scope of this section is to provide some of the foundational guidelines on testing.

On maintainability

One of the most common properties software engineers strive for is maintainability. Maintainability is a term that encapsulates multiple attributes. Most times, it is associated with code that has the following characteristics:

  1. Easy to troubleshoot
  2. Easy to extend

Easy troubleshooting and high extensibility of software are achievable by writing code that is:

  • Readable
  • Simple (Low complexity)
  • Easy/Safe to change - Decoupling and High Cohesion
  • Extensible

While these characteristics are frequently essential when writing software, they are useless if we develop incorrect software. It’s better to have software that does its job without any maintainability than faulty software designed to be easily extended.

Readability and Simplicity

Readability and simplicity are two properties that prevent errors when developing and reviewing software. These two are excellently represented by the following principles:

  • YAGNI - You Ain’t Gonna Need It 1
  • KISS - Keep It Stupid Simple [^KISS]

On top of these principles, two attributes significantly contribute to readable code:

  1. Principle of Least Astonishment(POLA)2
  2. Consistency in coding style and the naming of coding components
  3. Low verbosity in coding. This is related to simplicity too

Decoupling, High Cohesion & Extensibility

Decoupling3, high cohesion4, and extensibility are the most adored properties by engineers. It’s what the cool, smart kids do. It’s also what most software engineers consider good quality code.

However, some of the principles we use for decoupling and extensibility often negatively affect readability and simplicity. The level at which decoupling and extensibility are needed for software varies; It is very common to over-engineer solutions where we should be following the YAGNI principle.

At the same time, all large, growing systems constantly change and require a high level of extensibility.

Easiness for change is tackled by promoting two main characteristics: low-coupling and high-cohesion. These are often achieved by the famous SOLID5 principles that I always strive to follow

  • SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open-Closed Principle
  • Liskov’s Substitution
  • Interface Segregation
  • Dependency Inversion

Extensibility is achieved mainly by a mixture of software design patterns6 and application architecture. I have worked with multiple architecture patterns, and I tend to find that application architecture philosophies such as clean architecture7 solves the problem of extensibility through the promotion of:

  • Separation of Concerns8
  • Platform independence


Readability, Simplicity, and Extensibility make troubleshooting more manageable. However, we also have specific tools to enhance our software’s troubleshooting significantly.

Most software engineers, including me, spend a long time troubleshooting code. The time spent troubleshooting is much bigger than developing new code. The principles I have with regards to troubleshooting are:

  • Be prepared - the most important
    • Metrics and alerts that track and notify about abnormal behavior. Follow a version of “The Hollywood Principle” from a troubleshooting perspective: “Don’t call us. We’ll call you.”
    • Log wisely. Especially errors, warnings, and important flows containing the information you might require when debugging.

On Performance

Another common property that describes software quality is performance. General performance considerations should always be part of the software. However, we should avoid performance optimizations that inhibit simplicity without a solid requirement.

Premature optimization is unfortunately applied in many projects unnecessarily. This often introduces unneeded complexity and a low cost vs value benefit.


We have gone through what I consider the software engineering philosophy and its importance. In software engineering, rigid, opinionated rules can often be proven wrong. For this reason, I see my software philosophy and values as guidelines that are mutable over time.

I firmly believe that all software engineers should have a software engineering philosophy. In this sector that requires constant decision-making, these guidelines are essential. We should carefully maintain, review and reevaluate it as we grow in our careers.


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